Meet the Team

Clau­dia DeLaRoche, Own­er

I have been rid­ing hors­es since I was 4 years old. Sir Ray­mus Max­imus the Prince Horse (AKA Ray­mus the mini) was my first horse. I’ve loved him for the past 9 years and still do! I received for­mal train­ing at Hol­i­day Acres in Rut­land and loved learn­ing the prop­er way of hunt seat rid­ing. I excelled in equi­tation and I’m always work­ing to improve my posi­tion and abil­i­ty to ride cor­rect­ly with effec­tive aids. I had an excep­tion­al oppor­tu­ni­ty to work with a train­er at Moun­tain Lane Farm in Tem­ple, NH to improve my knowl­edge and abil­i­ties with my horse Rem­ing­ton and this Spring I will be return­ing with my colt, Fly­nn, to learn more and work on my skills. I want­ed to start car­ing for hors­es and give oth­er horse own­ers a break after see­ing my par­ents strug­gle to take time off. You can rest assured I will make your horse my first pri­or­i­ty.

Amy DeLaRoche, Assis­tant to Own­er

I’m my daugh­ter’s biggest fan, obvi­ous­ly. I love hit­ting the trails with her and cap­tur­ing valu­able time to con­nect. Most impor­tant­ly how­ev­er I tru­ly under­stand the sac­ri­fices made to keep your horse on your own prop­er­ty, it’s a 365 day a year job! To say it’s a com­mit­ment is an under­state­ment. Most of us lay­er this com­mit­ment on top of an already crazy sched­ule of fam­i­ly and work. I believe it’s still impor­tant to take time away and recharge your bat­ter­ies. That is why I’m excit­ed to help her pro­vide these ser­vices.

Colton DeLaRoche, Ranch Hand

No, I don’t own a horse. My horse is a dirt­bike, but I like to help. I’m the des­ig­nat­ed “ranch hand” . My respon­si­bil­i­ty is to keep the trail­er clean, clear land and col­lect fire­wood, hall hay, and dump manure with the Gator. You can occa­sion­al­ly see me rid­ing the mini Ray­mus to please my big sis­ter.

Jonathan DeLaRoche, Right Hand Man

“Hap­py wife, hap­py life” so the say­ing goes…..

With over 30 years expe­ri­ence in trans­port­ing live­stock to heavy equip­ment I’m hap­py to be part of my daugh­ter’s team! My wife and I are very involved in sup­port­ing her pas­sion and love for hors­es. When I’m not busy run­ning Heart­land Con­struc­tion Unlim­it­ed I enjoy being her right hand man!